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Drumright Rural Health Clinic

The Drumright Rural Health Clinic proudly serves the Drumright community and surrounding areas with outstanding healthcare where we strive for excellence at all times.
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This is a picture of a nurse holding a clipboard.
This is a picture of a nurse holding a clipboard.

Visitor Information

Visit Your Loved Ones

Visitors are encouraged to visit friends and family members between the hours of 8am-8pm. Non-Covid patients admitted to the hospital or swing bed will be allowed two (2) visitors during their stay. It must be the same two visitors for the duration of the stay.

Covid-19 patients will be allowed one (1) visitor during their stay. It must be the same visitor for the duration of the stay.

Emergency Room patients will be allowed to have one (1) visitor once the triage process has been completed and the visit is not Covid related. Exceptions will be made for patients under the age of 18.

Outpatient surgery patients will be allowed one (1) visitor.

No visitors under the age of 14 will be allowed.

Exceptions to all of the above will be made for end of life situations.

Contact Us With Your Questions

If you have questions concerning visiting hours please feel free to Contact Us.