This is a picture of a patient handing paperwork through a window to a nurse.
Outpatient Services
Not every patient of DRH requires care from a hospital bed. DRH's specialty clinic houses a variety of outpatient services for diagnosis and/or treatment of many conditions, including:Surgery
Dr. Peter Lafon, joined DRH in 2014. He specializes in General Surgery, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Laparoscopic Surgery and Hernia Surgery. He performs surgery every Monday, and has clinic every Tuesday. For appointments call 918-382-2336.Dr. Kristofor Kalvig, DPM, joined our team in 2021, treating a variety of podiatry needs. He has a clinic every Wednesday, and performs surgery the first Wednesday of each month. For appointments call 918-382-2336.
Dr. Chad Hanson, surgeon with The Orthopaedic Center joined DRH in 2018. He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery. He has a clinic every Thursday. For appointments call your primary care physician for a referral.
Dr. Kyle Wilson specializes in obstetrics and gynecology. He joined our team in 2021 and maintains a busy practice here and in Tulsa. He will schedule obstetric visits until 34 weeks gestation at our location, and all remaining visits will be at his Tulsa office. For appointments call 918-382-2336.
Additional Outpatient Services
The outpatient clinic also offers the following physician-ordered services. Please call (918) 382-2336 for more information:Blood and platelet transfusions
IV fluids
IV/IM antibiotic therapy
Dressing changes
Central Line Maintenance