a physcial therapist helping a patient walk up stairs.
Social Services
Our social services department will work with the patient and their treatment team to optimize communication, coordinate discharge plans, and identify available community resources to meet the patient's needs upon discharge.Case managers are trained to help patients and family members deal with financial, social and emotional problems that relate to illness or hospitalization. Members of the department work with patients and families to help deal with long-term illnesses and rehabilitation and are involved in discharge planning. They will assist in coordinating the patient's discharge needs like making arrangements with home health agencies, hospice referrals, obtaining medical equipment, and medication assistance.
Case managers also assist patients who have questions or concerns regarding the ethical questions that may arise during the course of care including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative measures, withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment or other end of life care issues. They also offer one on one education to patients and their family on Advance Directives, Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare or Do Not Resuscitate orders.